Saturday, December 04, 2010

Mystery Quilt

I finally finished finding scraps for Bonnie Hunters Mystery Quilt. I love a good mystery and if it´s a quilt too than that is just perfect. This will be a good stash-buster quilt. Only thing is, that my hardest part of making a quilt is finding the fabrics for it. There are so many beautiful colors and patterns that it takes me forever to choose. It should be easier now that I just have my stash to choose from, but not so. Even though I don´t have that a big stash it´s still hard to decide on what colors to use. I didn´t even think I had that much pink but I seem to have found some in a box so they got to play with my ever so big stash of greens. Yes I love green and that is the only color I definitely have enough to choose from. So that leaves the neutrals. Ok what is a neutral anyway, a white with a color in it or cream tone on tone? Whatever i just trow every light fabric I can find in the pile and strip it up. Done. Now to cut all this pile of fabrics.

Fabrics for RRCB Mystery

1 comment:

Sharyn Mallow Woerz said...

It will be beautiful. They all will be.
Happy quilting!